Entries by admin

Dreaming of Gold doesn’t have to be a Scoliosis Nightmare

For years, Scoliosis has been a real concern for Olympic athletes such as: Usain Bolt – The most decorated sprinter of all time, Jamaican four-time Olympic gold medalist sprinter, Olympic record holder reigning Olympic champion in the 100 and 200 metres and the 4×100 meter relay Alexandra Marinescu – Romanian Olympic gymnast and European Junior […]

A letter about Scoliosis from one concerned parent to another:

Dear Parent, I want to share my experience with my 10 year old daughter, so it may help other parents going through the process of Scoliosis. My daughter was diagnosed with Scoliosis and we as a family where completely shocked. We didn’t know what scoliosis was and nor the severe complications that could arise in a person’s life if […]

HOP TO IT! It’s time to stop waiting…

Has your child recently been diagnosed with Scoliosis and you’re in the “Wait and See if it progresses” mode? Well you’re not alone! Every year 15% of all grade school kids screened for scoliosis result in a positive diagnosis and yet many physicians still suggest three basic methods of treatment: observation, bracing, and/or surgery – based […]

Think Scoliosis Doesn’t Affect You? Think Again…

  An estimated 6 million people in the US alone suffer from scoliosis Scoliosis affects both men and women of all ages, races and socio-economic classes The onset of scoliosis is usually between 10 and 15 years of age More females than males are affected with Scoliosis It’s recommended that children be screened yearly! Early […]

Text Neck! Does Your Teen Have it?

The following patient is seen pre and post-treatment after one month of care. Her original curve was 100% loss from normal and is currently at  29% loss after one month. That’s a 71% improvement/correction. Her chief complaint: Fatigue and Headaches. Why should I care? Loss of the cervical curve has been shown to be the […]