Best Exercise Choices for Scoliosis

Exercise and Scoliosis – What Are My Choices?

Best Exercise Choices for ScoliosisMany adults and teenagers with scoliosis, are curious about the risks and benefits of exercises and sports participation. Although it is important for all people, including those with scoliosis, to exercise and remain physically fit we recommend a bit of caution while embarking on a new regimen.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. The spine bends sideways and twists creating a lateral, or side to side curvature. Usually the upper or lower back is twisted, but in rare cases scoliosis can affect the neck.  Although scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity, on an x-ray, scoliosis curves can often look like a simple “S” or a “C” shape.

80-85% percent of scoliosis cases are idiopathic, meaning the cause is unknown. But it appears that heredity is one factor, since scoliosis tends to run in families.

Scoliosis often appears during the onset of puberty, and more females than males are affected.

Treatment for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is complex and affects everyone differently. Accordingly, it is crucial to accurately diagnose and analyze each patient on a case-by-case basis, and design a treatment plan based on the individual’s unique situation.

As a CLEAR™ Institute certified location; South Florida Scoliosis Center (SFSC) does not endorse any type of bracing. In fact, clinical experience demonstrates that attempting to utilize a brace while the patient is undergoing our treatment may have an adverse effect. Our protocols attempt to strengthen the same postural muscles which are made weaker by relying upon the brace.

Scoliosis and Exercise

If you have scoliosis, posture and muscle changes caused by the condition may restrict your movements while exercising. In some cases, your endurance may be affected by reduced lung capacity. Regimens that include running or jumping can also be especially hard on the scoliotic spine further compressing one misaligned vertebrae into the other.

For those who suffer from Scoliosis and even those who don’t we recommend swimming. No other workout burns calories, boosts metabolism, and firms every muscle in your body (without putting stress on your joints)

Benefits of Swimming for Exercise:

  • Increased Muscle Tone and Strength
  • Improved Flexibility
  • Stronger Heart Muscle
  • Weight Control
  • Improved Asthma Symptoms
  • Improved Cholesterol
  • Lower Stress, Higher Spirits and a Better Brain

Make an appointment today and take control of your spine health! 305-705-0777

Adult Scoliosis – Is it the Cause of Your Pain?

Adult Scoliosis – Is it the Cause of Your Pain?

Adult Scoliosis – Is it the Cause of Your Pain?Because scoliosis typically affects adolescents, adults who are diagnosed with adult scoliosis are often shocked. Scoliosis is a condition in which an individual’s spine develops a side to side curvature – or sideways S or C shape. Although the symptoms of scoliosis are the same for adults as well as teenagers, adults face a different set of challenges than teenagers.

What are the Symptoms of Adult Scoliosis?
Symptoms of adult scoliosis can include one or more of the following:

  • Lower back pain and back aches
  • Tiring of the spine due to lengthy periods of sitting and/or standing
  • Hip and shoulders that are uneven
  • A spine that curves to one side.

What causes Adult Scoliosis?
There are several different reasons that an adult can get scoliosis. Some adults have had scoliosis from childhood, but the deformity and pain worsens as they become an adult. Disc degeneration can cause scoliosis as well, as can fractures in the spine. Individuals who suffer from muscular dystrophies, polio or other neuromuscular disorders often suffer from neuro-muscular scoliosis. The most common causes of adult scoliosis are the following:

  • A Degenerative disease such as osteoarthritis- when the vertebrae and/or discs on one side of the spine weaken or degenerate more than those on the other side, creating a curve.
  • Idiopathic Scoliosis that went unnoticed and untreated during adolescence- a curvature that went unnoticed during adolescence now becomes noticeable in adulthood because it has continued to progress or because it begins to cause pain.
  • Scoliosis that was treated with surgery during adolescence- individuals who undergo scoliosis surgery as teens continue to struggle with the symptoms of scoliosis throughout their lives.

How is Adult Scoliosis Treated?
While scoliosis does not generally cause pain in children or teens, it can cause pain in adults, especially those with osteoarthritis. Even in other types of adult scoliosis, pain may be present because the natural flexibility of youth has diminished, and the muscles that have helped to compensate for the curve become overtaxed.

Traditional medicine generally employs pain relievers and anti-inflammatories to alleviate the painful symptoms of adult scoliosis. The problem with these drugs is that they only last a few hours, they have many side effects and don’t resolve the underlying problem.

At South Florida Scoliosis Center we offer a safe and natural alternative to alleviating the pain and symptoms of adult scoliosis.

SFSC Scoliosis Treatment Method

If your adult scoliosis stems from a degenerative condition, vertebrae and discs can be out of alignment and compressing nerves, which can cause your scoliosis pain. If the scoliosis has been present for many years, whether treated with surgery or not, there’s a good chance that compensatory muscles have become strained. And with the scoliosis curvature existing for years, the unnatural position can cause other misalignments and further interfere with proper nerve function. Our scoliosis treatment methods can begin correcting structural misalignments and restoring optimal function to the nervous system.

If you’ve never considered chiropractic for your adult scoliosis, now is the time to contact us. At South Florida Scoliosis Center we will go to great lengths to understand your particular situation, by performing an extensive exam. Discuss all findings, and design a customized plan for working with your adult scoliosis.

Make an appointment today and take control of your spine health! 305-705-0777